Tag Archive | motherhood

2012 highlights

We are just 4 days to end 2012 and what a year! So much has happened. Some things have been breathtaking, others have made me cry, but all in all I am thankful for each and every day, every moment, every memory, as this has made me who I am.

Looking back, I remember more than once thinking to myself: “What the hell am I doing?” Am I taking the right decision? Have I said “I love you” today? Should I stay at the desk or should I go to bed? Have I done good today? Do my children know how much I love them? Am I being to picky with the “toilette rules”? Does it really matter? Have I been a good teacher today? Did they understand? Have I been patient? Am I a terrible daughter? I miss my brothers, I should call them more often. I have a wonderful husband.

I love my children. I adore my 2 boys and am so very proud of them but sometimes it’s not enough to say I care. In fact, as a mom having one of my sons in the USA (Hector) and the other one (Ernesto) immersed in a PhD; I had to get a grasp of whatsapp, skype, chat, messenger, you name it! and learn to actually schedule time with my sons to make it happen. Summer was great for me! I saw my beloved uncle and his wife in Palamos, my niece Alexia from London, my oldest son graduated in Economics and my youngest son spent summer in Barcelona, so both my children were under the same roof with me to say the least! I know they are exactly where they want to be, they are both in love, happy and healthy. No drugs, they both study, work hard and love me; can’t ask for more.

My husband, I am so lucky to have him in my life. He is my pillar, he knows me and loves me with all my flaws. He makes me feel so young and beautiful. At my age, you know that this only happens once in a lifetime, and well, this is it! It’s never too late to be happy in that department.

As a teacher, I couldn’t have asked for more. I have had the most wonderful, interesting and motivated students you can ask for; and for that I am so very grateful. I am so happy to have been part of their projects to learn and/or improve their language skills during this year. You have all taught me about life, culture and love.

E-teaching has been quite interesting this year, as students from all over the world have given me the opportunity to “reach out” to them. I have to also thank those students, who in spite of not being a traditional way of learning for them, took their courses online.

I was happy and relieved when Obama won! Mortified by all the violence and killings, homesick at times and always following what’s going on in NYC through the news, family and friends.

I saw Leonard Cohen perform for the first time in my life, extraordinary! Making time for the gym; reading more, writing again, stopped worrying so much, dance while cooking, laugh at myself and as my grandma used to say, look at the bright side of life!

My family, friends, students and even those who don’t like me, have inspired me and helped me throughout this year to grow and be a better person, mom, wife, sis, daughter, niece and teacher.

THANK YOU all for such a wonderful year 2012!