Archive | January 2013

“Caga Tio”


“Caga…” What?!

So where is Santa? I grew up believing in Santa. He sure made my brothers and me happy. I remember I wouldn’t ask for anything all year-long so as not to make our parents spend on me, and instead would wait for Xmas and ask Santa for all my toys.
We would bake cookies and leave some for Santa with a glass of milk on Christmas Eve and…wait!
I was always the first one to wake up!
When I had my kids I went on celebrating Xmas with Santa and enjoyed every single minute watching my children’s face and listening to their giggles. It was magic! It has always been.
So you can just imagine the first time I saw a log with a face and wearing Santa’s hat! And … shitting toys & candies!
In Spain, Santa is not the one who brings the toys to children but the 3 wise men; but in Barcelona they also have a unique character that makes children smile and sing. It’s called “Caga Tio” which literally means the guy who defecates. It consists in a log with eyes, a nose, a smile, wearing a red hat and covered by a blanket to keep him warm, as shown in the photo (taken at the Christmas street market).  It must be fed by the children and taken care of in order for “it” to “shit” candies and toys. Children sing a song and hit the log to receive goodies!
It is really amusing. The happiness, expectation and joy surrounding the “Caga Tio” while the children are singing is wonderful! But deep inside, while I’m seeing all this going on, I can’t help myself from secretly looking for Santa Claus!