Archive | October 2012


“Think BIG, act small”. A dear student shared this quote with me last week. She mentioned I was going in the right direction with this little project of mine: delia teacher online. I loved her for saying so.

I think that keeping small can actually be incredibly effective when you begin a project and have the patience and discipline to take one step at a time.  As long as you have a plan of course! When you know where you’re going, it is  a matter of time to get to your aim, even if it’s against all odds.

So sail my friends, with or against the wind, slowly… as long as you know where you’re heading, you’ll get there.



What motivates you?

Why do you want to study English?

I always ask this question to my students to be and even to those who have been with me for some time to refresh our goals. And take note that I’ve said “our goals”, because I get truly involved and walk by your side ALL the way till you achieve them.

Is it to pass an exam? To enter university? To get a promotion? To please your parents? As a personal challenge? For the fun of learning? Or simply because you LIKE ENGLISH? (this last one is my favorite!!!)

It’s a simple question, but to be taken  very seriously, as the source and strength of your motivation is one of the main factors to determine the method and dynamics teachers should use to help you achieve your goals.

So ask yourself once in a while, why am I studying English? Am I really getting what I want? Am I getting what I need?

Would love to hear from you. Share your motivation with us at: